Spring Mantel

A simple & fresh Spring mantel using vintage elements and flowering branches. I share about the vintage or vintage inspired pieces that I use to decorate the mantel for our home this Spring season.

Simple | Neutral Spring Mantel

I think I have been dreaming about Spring for several weeks now, and the flowering branches in the photos that you see today are actually the second bouquet that I have had in the home. I love using fresh flowers in the home, and bringing branches into the home is a great way to achieve a Spring feel.

When I began thinking about how I wanted to decorate the mantel, I originally thought that I would go with a garden theme. I began pulling the various elements together, and had planned to use vintage garden tools. clay pots, old seed packets, and maybe even a vintage watering can. I arranged and re-arranged the mantel several times before I completely scrapped that idea.

The mantel sat empty for several days, and I just couldn’t decide on what I wanted to use. My husband and I had recently visited a shop that carried the bee print, and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I often have to stop and really think about a piece before I bring it into our home. While I change out decor often, I want to be sure that I always make a purchase that I won’t regret or one that I know I can make my money back on if I decide to later sell it.

Vintage Style Bee Print

I went to the shop twice debating whether or not I should purchase the print. I eventually decided to look for the print online, contacted a few other shops and came to the conclusion that this is a print that has been discontinued. I could be wrong, but I even had a shop look through a catalog from the company that carries it, and she said it was no where to be found in the catalog. After realizing that, I decided to go back a third time and bring the print home with me.

I rarely spend very much on pieces for our home, and personally prefer that I find and use vintage elements. However, I loved the character of the frame around this print, the fact that it looked old, and how could I not love the bees since I am a bee keeper.

The bee print was the starting point for my mantel. I then brought in a single wooden frame that I painted black and two antique mirrors. The black on the wooden frame carried the black from the bee print and the mirrors carried the same color as the bee print. I had coordinating pieces for my mantel but still was missing a few elements.

Rustic | Vintage Spring Mantel

I really seem to be leaning towards adding in a lot more warm wooden tones and even touches of black to our home decor. So, I shopped around my home to see what other things I could pull in to finish the mantel. I had the vintage style jar, and filled it with flowering branches from the yard. I cut them to a longer length to add height to the arrangement and help pull together the framed pieces.

Our family recently purchased some more land that connects to our current property and the buildings were left full of things that we have to sort through. Many of the things are old and the stack of books were found in the old shoe shop on the property. The books are a series called, Hawkins Electrical Guides” and they date back to the early 1900’s. I was excited to find them and they added another great element to my mantel. I love using pieces in our home that I can tell a story about.

The last few items that I added to our mantel are things that I use a lot during the gardening season. Jute twine and garden scissors. I use the garden scissors a lot to cut and gather fresh flowers or herbs for the home. I usually hang the scissors on a wooden peg rail but I had these vintage flower frogs and decided to use them this year to hold the scissors. I like having them within easy reach to use as I need them.

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I often struggle with pulling together a space that I love and enjoy, but I have found that if I just keep trying, I will eventually get something that I enjoy. I like keeping it simple, and using vintage elements that often have a story behind where they came from or how I obtained them. I would imagine that this arrangement will stay through the Spring season, and that the only thing that may change is the variety of blooming branches in the jar.

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4 thoughts on “Spring Mantel”

  1. Sarah, I’ve been following you on Instagram for only a month or so, but I’m totally smitten by your style and home. I especially love your style because it doesn’t look "purchased." It’s all very personal and meaningful, as if you would use your items again and again. Some of the furniture and pieces in my home were in my first home in late 1972. I loved those pieces then, and I love them now. Your home and style are timeless. Also, I appreciate seeing an affordable approach to decorating–not the typical granite/island/gourmet kitchen look. Your style says "home, not staged Instagram model." Your home sings to my soul, and I greatly appreciate your sharing it.


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