Sugar Free Chocolate Ice Cream (Keto Low Carb)

This delicious homemade ice cream is made with just eight healthy ingredients. You won’t believe how easy it is to make the best sugar-free homemade chocolate ice cream.

The Very Best Low Carb Homemade Sugar Free Ice Cream | Keto

There is no doubt that we love ice-cream in our home. I have shared one other recipe on the blog, Chocolate Espresso Ice Cream, that is a very well-loved recipe in our home. However, this homemade chocolate sugar-free ice cream seems to know be the most loved!

I have tested this recipe several times over and it has been such a success every time! This ice cream is so incredibly delicious. If you are looking for a healthy dessert that you can feel good about feeding your family, this is the one you want! No preservatives, sugar-free, all natural and creamy delicious!

Low Carb Sugar Free Chocolate Ice Cream

Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Ingredients

The best sugar-free homemade chocolate ice cream recipe has some pretty common ingredients that you are probably used to seeing. Things like heavy cream, cocoa, vanilla and even half n half. Then, there will be some ingredients that you may not realize. Such as collagen, and xylitol. Let me explain these few ingredients that make up this sugar-free chocolate ice cream recipe.

Xylitol is an all natural sweetener that can be used just like sugar. I personally only purchase natural birch Xylitol sweetener. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol and unlike sugar, which causes blood sugar levels to sharply rise and fall, xylitol has no direct impact on blood sugar or insulin levels. However, always do your own research and know that there have been some studies done that show Xylitol is toxic to animals.

Collagen is simply gelatin broken down into smaller amino acid chains called peptides. These peptides can be quickly absorbed by the body and have been shown to improve hair, skin and bone nourishment and support. As the primary structural protein in the body’s connective tissues, collagen plays a vital role in the maintenance of the cartilage, tendons, and ligaments that keep joints functioning properly. (source)

Sugar Free Low Carb Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream

How to Make Sugar-Free Ice Cream in an Ice Cream Maker

I own the 4-quart electric ice cream maker. I love that it looks like the vintage style ice cream makers without all the work of hand churning. For this recipe, I add all the ingredients straight into the ice cream maker and mix them until well combined. Then, I add the ice and rock salt, turn the ice cream maker on and 30 minues later we have this delicious sugar free chocolate ice cream.

The Very Best Sugar-Free Chocolate Ice Cream

  • 1 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup xylitol
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 1/2 cup half-n-half
  • 3 tbsp collagen
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp celtic salt
  • 1/2 tsp stevia
  1. Combine all ingredients into an ice-cream maker.

  2. Whisk until all ingredients are well combined.

  3. Follow ice-cream maker instructions to complete the ice-cream process.

Ice Cream Recipe Mix Ins

I haven’t done much experementing with adding any other ingredients to this sugar free homemade chocolate ice cream recipe but I am sure that I will be trying a few. One great idea that I can’t wait to try is sugar-free chocolate chips. If you choose to do any mix ins, add them just beofre freezing the ice cream.

Homemade Sugar-Free Ice Cream Topping

Our favorite homemade ice cream topping is this delicious chocolate sauce! We keep it in the fridge and scoop it out to enjoy on top of our ice cream. Who knew that eating healthy could taste so good?

Trim Healthy Mama Chocolate Ice Cream

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13 thoughts on “Sugar Free Chocolate Ice Cream (Keto Low Carb)”

  1. I got to this post from a link you have on your raw milk page about recipes using the cream at the top of raw milk. Do you use the cream from the raw milk in place of the heavy cream in this recipe or the half and half? Thanks for the clarification!


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